Wednesday, August 26, 2009

I'm telling you guys, if my dad's dream of going to the Golden Temple in Amritsar and also see the well-being of the tamils in Jaffna, we must see strong procedures being followed with respect to Sri Lanka cause the Sinhalese out there have a natural tendency to discriminate. Otherwise do you all think the LTTE would have met the current end and not somewhat more moderate and amiable end. I guess when LTTE made statements that it is eyeing the west coast of India to make a re-entry, I must say that LTTE cadres are welcome to join Shiv Sena, a regional party in western maharashtra and extend Shiv Sena into Tamil Nadu. Funders are welcome too

Monday, August 24, 2009

I see systems in people and i see people in systems

Saturday, August 01, 2009

Sophie's Choice by William Styron. What does Sophie's Choice mean? A "Sophie's Choice" is a tragic choice between two unbearable options.

Speak softly and carry a big stick means the idea of negotiating peacefully, simultaneously threatening with the “big stick” or the military

the exercise of intelligent forethought and of decisive action sufficiently far in advance of any likely crisis.... Big Stick n Speak Softly

Pentagon says don't wait until you are at the end of your string. Do something before you are too old to do anything or b4 China gets ideas

I guess the Lashker-e-Toiba would say "LET it be a fantasy or a death valley". The people of India and Pakistan however are free to decide

It is still a bone of contention as terrorism in New India aka PARINDA would be tagged by CIA as "Who let the dogs out" while beauty is in..

Let's get the India-Pakistan re-unification show on the road although it's a tough 1 to crack. What do we call the reunited republic PARINDA

There is a hard and fast rule in the Pentagon applicable to everyone "Keep yourself alive for what it is worth" Feels so good to be alive

Pentagon says don't bite off more than you can chew n i say you choose between me n a needle in a haystack. Give them a run for their money

If u were born yesterday, u might as well be dead as a doornail to all the views and the news in the happening

It goes without saying that we are the snowblind riders of the storm and monday morning quarterbacks avoid readin "Evergreen" by Belva Plain

We are the Gladiators.... the hard to handle black Crowes and I think one should just let sleeping dogs lie while we r touched by an angel

Shiv-Neri Undercover Special Squad.... Gopal Chandu .... Topan-nav Chopal Gaandu... in other words an undercover member of the Indian equivalent of NYPD Blue... now overtly over cover

No time for tears for lankan tamils as i read "No time for tears" by Cynthia Freeman

Taliban supporting Indian Troops as detailed by this article. I see that the person who wrote this article is a rat who is a victim of operant conditioning living most probably in pakistan or united kingdom. There are similar guys in UK's intelligence agency MI6 who show themselves in public on the BBC and think themselves still to be the kings of Asia by dispersing incorrect information in this land of agenda-setting where what said by the media is always termed as correct. India, never has, never will, never could support the Taliban

It's four past midnight somewhere and all i have to say is handsome is as handsome does

"Life is worth living" by Fulton Sheen is my last recommend for the day and let me rest as i got cat scratch fever. hehehe hahaha August 1

Carry on wayward son... a song by a group called Kansas not a movie of the carry on series.. nor a read on "The Drifters" by James Michener

Once a thief always a thief. Once a transformer always a transformer. Once an interpol agent always an interpol agent

Now "Rainbow Six" by Tom Clancy is about a multi-national counter-terrorist unit codenamed Rainbow. Know what I do though I only type now

I don't work for the NATO but I loved the movie "Behind Enemy Lines". The movie had a poor release date... Post 9/11

Writing is a way to wealth without risk. For other info on the same read "More Wealth without Risk" by Charles Givens

"The Thorn Birds" by Colleen McCulloughThe book's title refers 2 a mythical bird that searches 4 thorn trees from the day its hatched.

What do you understand after reading "The Fourth Protocol" by Frederick Forsyth... There are enemies on either side of the bridge n friends.

Pentagon says you would laugh out of the other side of the mouth if you saw and read "Inside Russia Today" by John Gunther

Watch David Villa in action for Spain during the World Cup and read "The Battle of the Villa Fiorita" Rumer Golden

For the love of the game, anybody interested to apply to the Pentagon please answer this trivia. Who is Martha Washington?

Straighten up and fly right while you travel with your aunt and read "Travels with my Aunt" by Graham Greene

The last dialogue was a book named "Gift from the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh n another named "From the Terrace" by John O'Hara

If an American Indian immigrant from India cannot be US President, can't he/she atleast be Vice-President of USA

While you were sleeping, I was recommending a book called "The Status Seekers" by Vance Packard

I guess supporting Pakistan and Afghan rebels in the 80's has made USA realise that "The road to hell is paved with good intentions"

As a precursor to study, I wish all my friends read "Anatomy of a murder" by Robert Traver n then rejoin the discussion

Pentagon shows a communication breakdown. I say when you guys supported Pakistan to maintain strategic balance did communication vanish too

And before I say goodnight my dear blogger friends all i'll say is this phrase DO NOT GO GENTLE INTO THAT GOOD NIGHT...

I guess somedays you eat the bear and someday the bear eats you. Chances of both are rare though. I don't like it rare.. wellcooked n juicy

I gotta choose between the winds of war and the last hurrah... i guess i will go for the last hurrah after the winds of war

In the long run, i got a run of the mill heartless heart cause as they say happiness is a dry martini

The enemy camp hehehe in the meantime would see "Homealone" on the sitcom. It's all framed my dear... even my dialogues.

I've got seven terms of Masters to go so I shall be led by the nose and be off to reading for my assignments

As far as I am concerned I need to keep my head above water as my current position clearly says "Easy come easy go" Whatchya say

Since i started using twitter and facebook on seesmic i've realised in all irony and sarcasm that "Brevity is the soul of wit". Whatchya say

And the SWORDFISHES of this world would read "It's all in the playing" by Shirley Maclaine

So i guess those who miss out on the pattern are reading "Caught in the Quiet" by Rod McKuen

I guess such low level showboating would only make the people in THE WEST WING to sit up and take notice.