Thursday, December 23, 2010


An American is a Skywalker from a Kerala without airports. A Keralite was brought up in a Tamil Nadu by goons travelling in trails of cars. A Tamil Tiger is actually a Shiv Sainik in Shiv Sena in Mumbai Maharashtra. A Maharashtrian is a Sanglikar from China. Any disputes. Ask the Jews from Pune

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Nasa...Kennedy Space Center. ... I found Orion... now where is the galaxy

Space is a radio station. And all the stars are transmitting. Cerebrum
and Cerebellum. One of which is a receiver. All the inventions till
today are aliens. Tea leaves are aliens. So, during the Boston Tea
Party, you guys did sink a few aliens. Medicines we take are aliens.
Buildings we build is alien. Construction industry is the biggest
alien threat the world faces today. Your penis is an alien. Censor
that. Your body co-ordination is alien. I have been sitting in a shop
looking at the passing vehicles on the highway from delhi to
kanyakumari. What I notice is that none of the vehicles that pass me
both ways leave the city limits. They are in perfect co-ordination
with each other. They just turn and make their way back in a strict
order from the outerlimit of my city. Number-plates on vehicles are
aliens. Alphabets, one of the most successful aliens of our times. I
have been a witness to alien activity half my life. There are slumdog
ghettos which are aliens.
There are highrises which are aliens. Rebels are aliens, strong
aliens. This planet had the time of it's
life when it was all green. And then don't forget the Andromeda
strain. Proverbs are aliens. Friends are aliens. H1N1 flu in india is
a reply to the bombing of hiroshima nagasaki which is also the work of
aliens if one studies semiotics. Iris is an alien. Continuous
probability distribution is alien. Young americans are alien. Ally
Mcbeal is an alien
~ Captain James Kirk...asleep at the switch.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Reincarnation is setting an example with an ideal or taking cognizance of the fact that an ideal existed. reincarnation of a rapist is pure rubbish

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

How do i change the world for the better

Wishing in a wishing well
The ones who track you are not your teachers. They are just there because you are their new test-track! The fact that you learn is because you were always meant to be smarter than the trackers! ~ A tip from an old spy.
I hope what taught me and what tracked me are two different institutions for all that i know

Monday, September 06, 2010

Jack of all trades master of Jack

Friday, September 03, 2010

The second poem by Gopal Sea

Maybe you are shattered
Maybe there are chains of love
Maybe you rose madder yesterday
Maybe blood will tell
Maybe Maybe
I dream of Jeannie,
Jeannie says get smart
Maybe it's just a blessing in disguise.
Maybe there is an unsolved mystery
Maybe man does not live by bread alone
Maybe Maybe
Yield to temptation and get rid of it.
Maybe Maybe
I dream of Jeannie
Jeannie says get smart
Remember the time
And save for the rainy day
Maybe i got advice
Maybe i need your consent
Maybe Maybe
I dream of Jeannie
Jeannie says you can't get something for nothing
Maybe you got grave bills to pay
Maybe i've seen all good people
For what they are worth
Maybe it's just another day in the life
Maybe I need to know
I dream of Jeannie
Jeannie says it's hard to say "I'm sorry"
Maybe Maybe
Maybe rock is a Boston marathon
Maybe it's Woodstock
I dream of Jeannie
Jeannie says love makes the world go round
Jeannie says alls well that ends well
Maybe Maybe
Maybe it's a wish in a wishing well

Thursday, September 02, 2010

Somewhere in the mid west a lady asks

Where are you from? You have a different accent.

I answer. No worries ma'am. I got the sweet home alabama accent.

Tracy Chapman ~ Talkin bout a revolution

Crying at the doorsteps of those armies of salvation
Wasting time in unemployment lines
Sitting around waiting for a promotion

Don't you know you're talking about a revolution
It sounds like a whisper

Keep the faith

Monday, August 30, 2010

God said to the politician, " You've been so corrupt. You've taken so many bribes in your life. Why should i help to take you to heaven"

Politician simply says "I've heard that God helps those who help themselves."

Same thing happened when Getafix questioned Obelix on the cake he had left on the table.

You can't do nothing about nothing which means either you can do something about something or else it's much ado about nothing

Make hay while the sun shines and when it rains open an umbrella factory

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's raining hippos and hados

Hados being creatures bigger than dinosaurs

N'er put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Friday, August 27, 2010

Faint heart never won fair maiden. You can do it. Come on!!
My mother used to say I had beautiful eyes. Atleast, as a kid, my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Not so now. Sniff.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Even with my eyes wide open... I can't see anything ~ Zatoichi

Saturday, July 03, 2010

I seem to know a lot more than I do know. I seem to want to know a lot less than I do know!