Monday, August 30, 2010

God said to the politician, " You've been so corrupt. You've taken so many bribes in your life. Why should i help to take you to heaven"

Politician simply says "I've heard that God helps those who help themselves."

Same thing happened when Getafix questioned Obelix on the cake he had left on the table.

You can't do nothing about nothing which means either you can do something about something or else it's much ado about nothing

Make hay while the sun shines and when it rains open an umbrella factory

Saturday, August 28, 2010

It's raining hippos and hados

Hados being creatures bigger than dinosaurs

N'er put off until tomorrow what you can do today

Friday, August 27, 2010

Faint heart never won fair maiden. You can do it. Come on!!
My mother used to say I had beautiful eyes. Atleast, as a kid, my eyes were bigger than my stomach. Not so now. Sniff.