Wednesday, May 09, 2018

The Infinity Stones of Thanos! (as interpreted by Gopal Chandu)

Infinity Stones:

First Infinity Stone: The Legacies of Wilma Rudolph, Winston Churchill, P.V. Sindhu, and Alphonse Kannandanum.(American Tourister) (d)

Second Infinity Stone: 208 seconds for each set of decisions and actions, 3 hours for each task. (Math) (b)

Third Infinity Stone:The reasoning is more important than the outcome in any decision making. (Law-maker) (c)

Fourth Infinity Stone: Do Risk Assessment: RegulatoryRisk, OperationalRisk, CreditRisk, MarketRisk.(Math) (b)

Fifth Infinity Stone: Exercises: 1)20reps/8sets6armexercisesandSurfpush-ups, (Newspaper)2)100pull-ups/200push-ups/300sit-ups, (Hangaroo/Zo) 3)Jog18shuttleruns5sets60mltrtrack, (Tuitions) 4)MountainClimbing. (Gmail) 5) Traditional Karate (Mixed Martial Arts) 6) Maximum Weights 10/6/4 to Failure (Singalila) 7) Swimming 8) Rope Climbing 9) Losing Testosterone 10) Shiv Thapa Routine (a)

Sixth Infinity Stone: Football Coaching (What does a coach look for in a football player: Quality(b), Appearance(a), Loyalty(c) and Ability to fight back(d)). 

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