Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Winner of World Cup 2018

I would like to ask the National Investigation Agency a very simple question. Is there a nuclear bombing threat to ten nations from a city the size of Singapore?
Or from a medallist in a sports event?
Or is this pure bluff? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lSipXuqHt40
Rickie Bhatta powerembark@gmail.com your comments puhhlease.
I could have sworn that Russia would have won the World Cup if it was successful in detonating that Nuclear Bomb in Helsinki courtesy Pierce Brosnan (Russian Agent) that Gene Hackman MI6 Officer Preston North End foiled in the movie after the book by Frederick Forsyth, "The Fourth Protocol". With Putin watching the finals, does England really want to enter the finals. Or will it just be a repeat of 1966. Bully your way to win the world cup. Fix all the referees in your favour. Always remember, the team which commits the most fouls is the less abled team. The team that wins the most corners is most likely to win the world cup by scoring goals. Attacking through the right central flank in the first thirty five minutes. Play the midfield game feeding the strikers for the next thirty five. Be tough, play tough. Most talented players on the right wing. Let the opponents attack come from the left wing. Defending with a high line in the last 20 minutes. 4 defenders with a free moving stopper back. False Nine. Copy that play meaning when you receive a pass, play that pass again and when you take a touch take that touch again. Hit goals hard with your shoelaces. Hit the gym on game day. Left footers only play passing with the strong foot. Remember, there are only three types of footballers a) The Clean Shaven b) The Unshaved and c) The Bearded. Play on the defensive and score on the counter-attack. The best Indian Team in the I-league is Pune FC which has adakyakuruvi of a Chameleon, the Ghorpad as it's logo. I have already won the world cup and am standing at Bratislava airport with a return ticket. Wrestle with the ball. Make it a virtual Jammu and Kashmir. Ho Ho Dumdati!

Definition of Football Coaching consists of the following tips:

1) One Defending Tip: Have four defenders do man to man marking standing in a straight line with the stopper behind them to give through passes

2) One Attacking Tip: Have your main striker play in attacking midfield so that he plays a false nine and pulls the defenders of the opponent team towards him.

3) One Midfield Tip: Get as many passes as possible because the more the number of passes, the more the chances you are going to create.

4) One Opponent Team Movement Tip: When the opponent team is moving forward close the player with the ball and block passing lanes.

5) One Own Team Movement Tip: When your own team player moves with the ball, replace his position with another player as soon as any player moves out of position.

6) Play like a single unit: A Ship

7) Who are you answerable to: You are only answerable to your own jersey number and jersey name. Show the jersey to the crowd

8) Enjoy the game thoroughly: In malayalam, kali paramavadi aswadichu kalikyuka. Live it up and enjoy every moment of the game!

Four basic things that complete a football player: a) Quality meaning professionalism, professional fitness, skill, technique, mentality and ability to do what is required when is required b) Appearance: Lukaku is an intimidating character c) Loyalty: Lampard for Chelsea d) Ability to win the ball back: Makelele for Chelsea.

Lionel Messi is one of the most hardened criminals on the face of this planet. Reason being everytime he takes the ball on his thigh, the first touch on his toe is so perfect that the ball lands in the back of the net. Well, how many hardened criminals can net the ball as many times as Messi has in the past twenty years. If it is attributed to chance, something is bloody wrong with the whole system of first touches.

3 spot pey pakad saktey hain aapko! 3 spot pey pakad saktey hain aapko! 3 spot pey pakad saktey hain aapko!

Dimaag mein bharlo ye jaise koi baingan ka bharta sandas ke pani sey bana ho!

That's because children from poor families make a career through football!

And they are paid a huge amount because the injury risk is so high that it could end their career in an instant!

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