Friday, October 09, 2020

All that I learnt


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For convincing people: Get rid of their cognitive dissonance
For gaining respect: Look people in the eye
For Hinduism: Hinduism is the many interpretation of mantras. Example of a Hindu Mantra: "Slipped Disc, Now Drive"
For Christianity: a) Redundancy: Either you are totally useless or totally independant b) Vulnerabilities in the system: There are many vulnerabilities within the system, so are you supporting it or exploiting it. c) Semiotics: What you understand from the form of the language or the form of the alphabet or the thrust of your voice
For Islam: Read 3 sentences from the Koran at a time. Read the entire holy grail. Repeat readings find new meaning
For Sikhism: Based on the phrase, "You can't teach an old dog new tricks". Now read the Guru Granth Sahib
For Jewism: Be a puritanical minimalist
For podcasting: Either podcast on the team management or on the player. 5 to 11 podcasts is a squad. 5000 podcasts is a brigade
For youtubing: Upload YouTube videos on playbook, finance, avoid current affairs it will get you into trouble. Any which ways current affairs is only useful in politics and politics is only useful in getting petrol pumps for oneself.
What is trickle down economics: The true value of money. Where 200 rupees is equal to 2 billion.
What is process simulator: The ability to live 5(3+2)+4+5(3+2)+2hrs every day as a routine all your life
What is cooking: The ability to blow a whistle multiple times
What is software programming: Rigidity, discipline, scrutiny, understanding
What is running a gang: Facebook ads targeting 8 cities
What is Math: Selling alcohol from 5 bars owned by you
For football coaching: Either get paid 15000 as a coach or be independant with a 50/50 profit sharing strategy with the guy who owns the ground
Exercise: 10/6/4 to failure and 15/15/15/5 heavy weights, 20-35-50 of 6 arm exercises, Mountain Climbing, Study Token on Android Play Store, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Pumpone, 5pushups/10pullups/15situps/20surfpushups/10archerpushups, Masturbation, Jogging aerobic and anaerobic
For learning finance: Wiley Efficient Learning on Android Play Store (8 courses 2000 rupees monthly expense per course test bank)
For math: artofproblemsolving(dot)com/alcumus
Twelve core values: The 7 core values of an indian soldier and 8) correct interpretation 9) regular exercise 10) lines of conduct 11) employer regulation
12) Tell no man 
The effect of depression on public policy texts.

A systematic investment plan is anything that guides you through the day. Suppose you have three guns. One gun carries a 1/2 inch bullet, other a 1.25 inch long bullet, and the third gun fits a 1.5 inch long bullet. How many shots fired does it make 18 bullets? The answer is in the question itself. But a simple bullet from a weapon is the number of hours you spent on work. 1/2 an hour, 18 bullets, 9 hrs maxout. 1.25 hours, 18 bullets, 22.5 hrs maxout. 1.5 hrs, 18 bullets, 27 hrs maxout. If you are preparing for an exam, or for a career this is the minimum maximum strategy of hours equated as bullets. Now either you can be one man’s thunder, John Wick with a gun. Or you can be a loser without a time plan as SIP. You’ve got one today, so be another John Wick. Your Glock, Pistol or Sawed Off Shot Gun of Time Management is the best “SIP” Systematic Investment Plan you could have.