Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Heavenly Bliss and murmurs

Well, I am almost thirty years old. Twenty eight years to be exact. Coming of age can be considered as being mature or grown up. I am, maybe, seemingly grown up. And i have much accepted the fact that i am not working like others in the same bandwidth as my age group and i am not married like many of my friends are. I work in a field of my own in a kind of work i call my calling. Yet, I do not have the necessary income to be in a position where i should/could be in order to marry. Well, that's not a problem at all as i don't see myself getting married till i am in my late thirties. Finding a means of income has seemed to be more difficult these days. But i also seem to run away from possible employment sources as i seem to enjoy the non-profit work and enjoy my current perspective. Sometimes i would be in a position where i could choose to be what i want to be. Too many bees in that sentence. I like distancing myself from 'be' sentences. Well, two sentences and two lines from the 'be' sentence is distance enough. Sooner or later I need to find a wife who will earn while i do what i like to do. Something a bit more than plain working. But then i would have to wash dishes, make the chapatis, get the kids ready for the day, help them with homework, scream at the kaamwaalibai etc. Well, otherwise my awareness these days regarding individual social responsibility has undergone a remarkable change. I was thinking that since i do not work in any company i am doing that much less harm to the environment. There are stakeholders like flora, fauna and physical environment, whose voices we cannot hear, but who are affected by the anthropogenic impacts of global population. The future generation also does not exist today but will be impacted by our activities. This is because practically every company harms the environment. Just as every individual does. Maybe, I will never have a kid of my own and that much less environmental harm there forth. Not having a kid does not mean not bringing up kids. Furthermore i can use my core competence and skills in writing and interacting with people to good use and my location and whatever funds that find their way into my hands for the help of people and the environment. Heavenly Bliss.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wave beat

This evening I went to the beach. It was very beautiful. There were colourful clouds reflecting on the Arabian Sea. I sat on a large rock. It must have been facing the fury of winds and waves over centuries. It gave me a nice feeling to sit on that rock and to look where the sea kissed the horizon and the clouds that were blushing with a bright crimson hue. The last of the fishing boats made a beautiful silhouette against the setting sun. My heart was filled with joy and I felt a throb of my pulse and the rhythmic beat of the heart. Below me the waves were beating against large stones. I saw in myself the archetypal rock of being. The indestructible core of the psyche. I was becoming infatuated with the illusions of the phenomenal world.
- Gopal and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati on the same wavebeat.