Saturday, March 22, 2008

Wave beat

This evening I went to the beach. It was very beautiful. There were colourful clouds reflecting on the Arabian Sea. I sat on a large rock. It must have been facing the fury of winds and waves over centuries. It gave me a nice feeling to sit on that rock and to look where the sea kissed the horizon and the clouds that were blushing with a bright crimson hue. The last of the fishing boats made a beautiful silhouette against the setting sun. My heart was filled with joy and I felt a throb of my pulse and the rhythmic beat of the heart. Below me the waves were beating against large stones. I saw in myself the archetypal rock of being. The indestructible core of the psyche. I was becoming infatuated with the illusions of the phenomenal world.
- Gopal and Guru Nitya Chaitanya Yati on the same wavebeat.

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