Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gopal.. n ..Railway ministry saving face, minister losing face

Check this collage. The trains that you see are the Mumbai Locals that are the lifeblood of the economic capital of india "Mumbai".: For the Mumbaiite the local trains hold the quality of being holy. The collage is made on the top half of the cover page of the Sunday edition of the Indian Express which carried an article on the new railway minister whose face is the base for most of the cutouts. His name is Lalloo Prasad Yadav and as i saw his face disappearing beneath my cutouts, i sincerely felt that the sanctity of the Mumbai Locals has remained and the conscious feeling of them being sacrosanct is restored without a blemish. I pasted Lalooji's cartoon cutout from economic times to attach salvage value to my conscience if this collage is noticed by a Lalloo fan.

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