Friday, December 30, 2011

Chaudhvin ka Chand

The moon could have been just another planet like earth, but it got affected with cerebral palsy. Then at the age of 11, it was sent to Barcelona  to train. It played there ever since and now it is called one Mess"y"i Rock.
One does know that the experts in quantum mechanics are bus drivers of transport buses. Cause they notice every vehicle passing by. The truth is, if you are driving a BMW on German roads and if you are doing so on Mysore road, it's a different experience. Especially on indian national highways with so many different number-plates to notice and play around with, so many different name boards on trucks, buses and other vehicles to play around with. Admit it, we, the transformers, are fast and furious in information processing. ~ Transformers to NASA

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Twice teleportation in school

I got teleported twice in school. One from my bed to Bobde's bed directly one floor above, from Dhaulagiri to Gaurishanker, and I beat the shit out of him thinking it was my own bed. But when I looked out the window pane I realised two things. One, that I am one floor above and two, that Bobde won't wake up if he got punched in his undies when he was sleeping.

And second occasion was when I found myself in Avdhut Kapre's bed and beat the shit out of him.

Friday, May 20, 2011

From the earlier definition: There is no foreign self at all or all foreign selves are connected with the personal self or there is an intention to connect with them is invisibility
The recognition of a presence or the acknowledgement of a presence by a foreign self to which the personal self is not connected or has no intention to connect to is visibility

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Definition of a body in a matrix: A matrixed condition of the body is a condition when the body is in an airframe and none of the physical elements like blood skin exist but the body still exists and the person is still alive

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Ghalib. Bhovtalchya Andharaala vanva nahi lagla tari chalel, pan majhyavar padat chal-lelya aatmahatyanchya ghati paar karat jagaychuy mala tujhyasarkhach

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A friend asks: "A beautiful mind, matrix , inception, let's see what else can you add to the story you scripted on Joshua's page..Bruce Almighty and Hedgehog Day?:-)"

To which I reply: "I haven't seen Inception though have seen the other two. Well, as a test pilot, I have experienced the matrix which is an option for death so I know it is for real. As for the rest, even King Ashoka or Shivaji didn't know that we would fly planes one day. As for my beautiful mind, I had to bear the consequences of a skewed statistic which says if the mother's got schizophrenia one has to believe that the actions of the son are schizophrenic. CIA, i don't work that was a bluff. But yes a lot of other interdisciplinary agencies including the Johnson and Lewis Research Center I work for. My work is coded, well-disguised, so no one knows in my family that i work for these agencies. They just feel that i am just another schizophrenic. But hey no regrets. If the guys who made me what I am today can make me boast that I am the biggest thing since Carl Sagan, I don't mind being schizophrenic at all. I feel sorry I couldn't speak to Carl Sagan before he died."
Gods clap as they do cause they are seated in the Oprah Winfrey Show of the Matrix of the future, past and the present.

A: Peaceful, Easy Feeling / The Eagles
B: The Oprah Winfrey Show
C: For the Umpteenth time
Latest from an interdisciplinary project I am working on with the U.S. Govt. The Lewis Research Center says a matrix like the one in The Matrix is a boon in disguise as it gives us a better option in death. Better death than dishonor.

A: Lewis Research Center
B: The Matrix
C: Boon Island / Kenneth Roberts
D: Better death than dishonour

Monday, March 07, 2011

Aye and Bee….. An experiment in conditioning

The basic rule to the following conversations is that you have to google search the short phrase or the song name or the book title that comes as a dialogue to find meaning in it or you need to try and decode the message in any other way that suits you.

 All I can say to my American counterpart is that the signals well received. The more things change the more things remain the same while going around circles made in America

Monday, February 28, 2011

If wishes were horses beggars would ride

One can't discount the wind and it's powers to transform. I am not talking bout climate. I'm talking bout wind controlling human actions. Just imagine where you would be if air is God. What is felt, is obvious, what is not so felt, much more obvious, what if something is felt and not felt at the same time. Take me to a temple and let me pray. For there is God. And I have seen him. My problem is his serendipity which makes me schizophrenic. For others, it's lack of him being around. What would happen if all of a sudden we all started suffocating because there is no air. One day there will be no such situation as suffocation due to animorphing. What would happen if our minds took us to places like temples and graveyards without us consciously asking to be taken there. That's air. Animorphing is air. Teleportation is air. Research on air and it's matrix. Research on body and it's matrix. Why did Carl Sagan write Contact. So that we keep referring back to our temples of mind for there lies the secret of all universes. And mind will continue to exist as will body in a matrix. Body matrixes are the thing of the future. Man would be able to exist at several places, in several periods of time, in several bodies at the same time. Why? To make this world more perfect. How? Through birth, however he won't be told who he was in his previous birth.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Just like the old times

It's just like the old times. The only anomaly does not exist anymore. A cut and opened pouch of shampoo simply disappears from my bathroom teleporting itself to God knows where. Parting with shampoo is such sweet sorrow. :) Happy? While my guitar gently weeps. (Reference: My mom came in my dreams tonight. She asked me to take a wash early in the morning for there was to be a Pooja for mom. I miss my mom.) Wonder ~ Natalie Merchant

Saturday, February 26, 2011

I miss my mom. The most beautiful person in my life. Someday, i'll miss my dad too, the most sensible person in my life.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I got paid in 2005 and 2006. I don't need any payments in cash from you. I get gifts in experiences and knowledge and I can proudly say "I got paid already before any of you even knew me"

Monday, February 14, 2011

Atmosphere says: Don't throw caution to the wind. You could be gone in sixty seconds.

Pan in the ass

Rank and file: Galileo Galilei
Jaws of the Shark named Gopal: Flash in the Pan

.....what would it be called if everybody's permanent account number of karma is a sonic
6:38 AM Permanent Account Number
  you there?
6:41 AM another trivia
  what would i be if i were working on the PAN application using a game based on flash called hangaroo
6:42 AM I would be a Flash in the Pan
Couplehood is an ill wind that blows no good(in my department)
Cause of Death, turns back Time.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Captains and Kings stir up a Hornet's Nest, while stars shine down. What do you wanna be?
Ships that pass in the night keep on loving each other

Saturday, February 05, 2011

The genius of Stuxnet appears to have been that not only did it infect the protected computer system at Natanz, where uranium is enriched, but it also told the Iranian technicians monitoring the plant that all was well. When in tense situations, use the Stuxnet on games people play.

Friday, February 04, 2011

Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Boil them and take them with a grain of salt.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Fine Heart Attack

When one fine morning your elder brother's chest starts paining and he starts beating his chest around eight to ten times and then few minutes later your chest starts paining. What does it look like. Body profiling. Naah. Just one too many boiled potatoes for breakfast.