Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A friend asks: "A beautiful mind, matrix , inception, let's see what else can you add to the story you scripted on Joshua's page..Bruce Almighty and Hedgehog Day?:-)"

To which I reply: "I haven't seen Inception though have seen the other two. Well, as a test pilot, I have experienced the matrix which is an option for death so I know it is for real. As for the rest, even King Ashoka or Shivaji didn't know that we would fly planes one day. As for my beautiful mind, I had to bear the consequences of a skewed statistic which says if the mother's got schizophrenia one has to believe that the actions of the son are schizophrenic. CIA, i don't work that was a bluff. But yes a lot of other interdisciplinary agencies including the Johnson and Lewis Research Center I work for. My work is coded, well-disguised, so no one knows in my family that i work for these agencies. They just feel that i am just another schizophrenic. But hey no regrets. If the guys who made me what I am today can make me boast that I am the biggest thing since Carl Sagan, I don't mind being schizophrenic at all. I feel sorry I couldn't speak to Carl Sagan before he died."

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