Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A friend asks: "A beautiful mind, matrix , inception, let's see what else can you add to the story you scripted on Joshua's page..Bruce Almighty and Hedgehog Day?:-)"

To which I reply: "I haven't seen Inception though have seen the other two. Well, as a test pilot, I have experienced the matrix which is an option for death so I know it is for real. As for the rest, even King Ashoka or Shivaji didn't know that we would fly planes one day. As for my beautiful mind, I had to bear the consequences of a skewed statistic which says if the mother's got schizophrenia one has to believe that the actions of the son are schizophrenic. CIA, i don't work that was a bluff. But yes a lot of other interdisciplinary agencies including the Johnson and Lewis Research Center I work for. My work is coded, well-disguised, so no one knows in my family that i work for these agencies. They just feel that i am just another schizophrenic. But hey no regrets. If the guys who made me what I am today can make me boast that I am the biggest thing since Carl Sagan, I don't mind being schizophrenic at all. I feel sorry I couldn't speak to Carl Sagan before he died."
Gods clap as they do cause they are seated in the Oprah Winfrey Show of the Matrix of the future, past and the present.

A: Peaceful, Easy Feeling / The Eagles
B: The Oprah Winfrey Show
C: For the Umpteenth time
Latest from an interdisciplinary project I am working on with the U.S. Govt. The Lewis Research Center says a matrix like the one in The Matrix is a boon in disguise as it gives us a better option in death. Better death than dishonor.

A: Lewis Research Center
B: The Matrix
C: Boon Island / Kenneth Roberts
D: Better death than dishonour

Monday, March 07, 2011

Aye and Bee….. An experiment in conditioning

The basic rule to the following conversations is that you have to google search the short phrase or the song name or the book title that comes as a dialogue to find meaning in it or you need to try and decode the message in any other way that suits you.

 All I can say to my American counterpart is that the signals well received. The more things change the more things remain the same while going around circles made in America