Saturday, July 30, 2016

In Ernakulam, 90 percent of the buildings have violated building rules. 90 PERCENT!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Mullintey Muna ~ A Hilarious song by the comedian Ishaan

Monday, July 18, 2016

A Themistocles and Leonides Project

My self-disciplined thought process is divided into 3 steps: a) Bundled up thoughts or Thought process or Processed Thought b) Perceived Reality (Largely Moshe from Chabad House) c) Clarity or Action. I lead the life of Gene Hackman from the movie "Enemy of the State" which is pretty much a Ginger Turmeric Detox Tea life. If any Architect of the Matrix feels she is happy to be my wife and lead a Cinnamon Detox Tea life, she is most welcome. I believe that SELF-DISCIPLINE is the key to challenge any army of drone soldiers. The following is just my life situation.
Leonides (300).
1) Phd Economics (Questia subscription)
2) Netflix
3) Chartered Accountancy
4) Actuarial Science
25% of the time 3.5 hrs (Recommended Videos and Subscriptions on Youtube)
6) Exercise (P90X, German Volume Training, Yoga, 1.5 hr European Soccer Referee Jog)
7) Football Coaching
8) Business Insider Intelligence Subscription
15% of the time 2.5 hrs (Recommended Videos and Subscriptions on Youtube)
9) The Wall Street Journal Digital Subscription
10) Gamefly Subscription
11) Google Music App of my Samsung phone on Shuffle.
12) Adobe Photoshop subscription and art designing
10 % of the time 1.5 hrs ( C. A. Foundation)
13) All shops in four years
Themistocles (480)
14) Gartner subscription
15) Walkme for customer experience
16) Indian Express Newspaper (Journalism of Courage)
10% of the time 1.5 hrs CNBC TV18 Bharat Seva Ashram
18) Call of Duty
19) Masters in Computer Applications
20) Masters in Journalism (IGNOU)
15% of the time 2.5 hrs CNBC TV Bharat Seva Ashram
21) Masters in Library Science (IGNOU)
22) Actuarial Science
23) Company Secretaryship
25% of the time 3.5 hrs CNBC TV18 Bharat Seva Ashram
24) 7 years self-imposed rigorous imprisonment to work mind and the works. A computer table and dining hall with tv.
25) Irfan Nawaz an Indian Intelligence Turnpike
26) Budo Jan Karate Gladiator Training for Alladin ka Jin type body
27) Forrester Research
28) Scribd subscription for reading comics
30) IBM Watson Analytics

Sunday, July 17, 2016

My Ram Setu

My Ram Setu… Vasant Tekdi Ahmednagar, Dalal Street Mumbai, Jangli Maharaj Road, Boat Club Road, Sahakarnagar-2

Stay Awake

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Self-Defence and Martial Arts

To protect yourself, always go for a gun as a concealed weapon. However all said and done Brazilian Jujitsu, Traditional Boxing, Muay Thai, Wrestling in that order and Krav Maga to beat multiple fighters (Though that's a virtually impossible task)

Friday, July 15, 2016

Who is Super Star Rajnikanth? Aliens Kidnap Rajnikanth and Rajnikanth kidnaps entire Mars planet. C'est Moi!

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Today's CIA videos at 12 Noon

Saturday, July 09, 2016

Grey's Anatomy change your life Gopal.

 Leave politician for rich world without internet. 

Friday, July 08, 2016

My first HR Manager at Mphasis. Kavita Kulkarni aka Kavita Mudaliar, Grand-daughter of Varadarajan Mudaliar (Velu Nayakan)

People who think different about football and make more success

Doing your job with excellence

Kings Never Die - Southpaw

Thursday, July 07, 2016

Madhura MLA
Sohini MP
Kabir MP
Vijay MP
Akhil MP
Sou MP

Wednesday, July 06, 2016

You Akhand Bharat Indian Army 2 Commisioner of Police Machine Gun V for Victory Russian Time Travel Gangs

Tuesday, July 05, 2016

1)     Islamic State identifies itself with the proliferation of Islam. When “You ain’t no Muslim, Bruh” a quote made famous across England against terrorists by the Scotland Yard is a good “Below the line” solidarity tactic to get the good muslim/bad Islamic terrorist divide going strong, it ain’t a panacea for the ills posed by the Islamic State. We need to know their next move before they get it going and for that we need all possible technologies and smart people working at the grassroot level.
2)     Pakistan as a Nuclear State is the biggest threat to decimation of mankind in one part of the globe. Steps to stop this country’s nuclear program from boiling over should be taken at the earliest. Now that we hear rumors of Pakistan exporting nuclear weapon technology to North Korea with China’s consent, we know the Asian taste for bad blood. Kim Jong Un is not the man to be toyed with and he wouldn’t go down like a Gaddafi or a Saddam. Too bad America didn’t chose to invade Pakistan but decided to keep it as its ally. From India’s perspective, the disintegration of Pakistan is vital to its own security interests in the region.
3)     Alien Attacks: Everybody has seen the Will Smith movie Men in Black. We all know that billions of years ago life existed on other planets and they evolved from biological to sentient beings, travelling across and controlling the universe in the course of evolution. Evolution, a term which has vital significance at our stage of the same and mankind’s existence is vital in its correct path to future past. What are Alien Attacks? Deep Neural Nets in tandem communication controlling human existence through the power of concentration or the lack of it. Magic Realism is a type of activity often noticed on the planet related to Alien Attacks. Magic Realism is when a highly detailed realistic setting is invaded by something TOO STRANGE TO BELIEVE.
4)     Naval Security becomes paramount especially when warfare has taken to the high seas. The vulnerability of countries in the South China Sea. South Korea is an important ally against China. And we know fully well that Indian Navy is in primary control of the nuclear weapons that India possesses and its readiness is of paramount importance to India’s battle readiness. Pearl Harbour attacks by the Japanese, the failed Bay of Pigs programme in the Cuban arena is an acute reminder that there is a long way to go before the politics of war is an admitted reality.
My professional objectives is to continue working for American, Indian, Russian, German, French, British intelligence circles in the way I have been with close guidance and monitoring from my Indian and American intelligence agency. 

Saturday, July 02, 2016

Criminals are to be dealt with by the state’s police without even looking at their religion

“Criminals are to be dealt with by the state’s police without even looking at their religion.”
Well, I like the quote and that’s the way to deal with this issue. Now, let me tell you that i admire the mumbai police of encounter (Salasker-Bhonsle) heydays. They did a cleaning job effectively. Ofcourse police did aid and abet crimes good example being them disarming the delhi sikhs before the 3500 approx sikh massacred in delhi post indira gandhi assasination, another example being the police blinking in godhra while initially hindus let loose terror (i dunno where i am wrong n where i am right) etc. We have police who book you for wrong parking and no helmet and we have people like Sajjan Kumar, Jagdish Tytler etc., sitting pretty with the then ruling party after having created n led a massacre in ’84. Mass murderers. Modi is yesterday’s brat. There are experienced hands at this trade. Not many would quote what i am about to say but i’ll begin by mentioning that Honourable Mister and Minister Mr. Sharad Pawar (here on mentioned as SP) was Defence Minister 1991.Then chief minister of Maharashtra Sudhakarrao Naik had good relations with Narsimha Rao in Delhi. SP was getting marginalised in Delhi and suffocated in Bombay politics. SP was desperate to regain lost ground in Bombay politics. Destruction of Babri Masjid occured on 6th December 1992. Since SP would have lost his home ground in Mumbai n Pune politics and had started losing his grip and assertion due to S. Naik, Babri Masjid proved a blessing in disguise to bring down the Chief Ministers Government in Maharashtra. The National background that one should note is that there were no riots in UP, Delhi,Bhiwandi,Malegaon,Ichalkaranji. Then why in Mumbai. December 6 Babri falls, 1st Round : December 9 riots. What discredited the government? It is said that it was Dawood’s men who hacked the two policemen to death. If it was Dawood, then he did SP a favour by doing it. Police establishment became very upset and a brutal reaction (over-reaction) to it was that Muslims were killed,(around 150)living in zhopdis and slums. The media flashed itself-”Hindu police” -”Anti-muslim govt” “Sudhakarrao incapable” In all India sentiment against Hindu police was the media reaction. The real rioting was only just about to begin. 2nd round: Lets start the second round with police orders from establishment… Wireless messaging “No Shooting use only lathis..Goli Chalvaaychey Nahi” was order given to police, right down to the last constable standing. In January in Jogeshwari two Maratha mutton-shop owners were made into kheema- no movement from police after continuous rioting and killing of Hindus for one… two… three days. Fourth day: Four days after heavy Muslim rioting Mr. Bal Thackeray appealed through Saamna “Hindus/Shiv-sainiks enter the arena” Shiv sena reacted most violently-Even upper middle class muslims in usually very safe localities were not spared. After 1st round and 2nd round, SP’s purpose was served. SP did not allow army to flag march. No army deployment until the late stages. He would come on T.V. and say that army would be deployed… army would be deployed. When! To pick the dead bodies? After killing all muslims and hindus in what was an effective way of eye for an eye. That was the gory drama which i described in two rounds
Well the bomb blasts in mumbai by Dawood,Tiger Memon and Company and ISI was supposedly a revenge act.
Now, you don’t see such clever politicians daily- March 13 1993 Bomb Blasts finer aspect is that a place like Mumbai where no riots had occured after 1947 partition riots becomes a victim to an excellent riots-event management by mysterious forces. Why Mumbai. Why Mumbai. Ask that twice and you will get the answer.