Tuesday, July 05, 2016

1)     Islamic State identifies itself with the proliferation of Islam. When “You ain’t no Muslim, Bruh” a quote made famous across England against terrorists by the Scotland Yard is a good “Below the line” solidarity tactic to get the good muslim/bad Islamic terrorist divide going strong, it ain’t a panacea for the ills posed by the Islamic State. We need to know their next move before they get it going and for that we need all possible technologies and smart people working at the grassroot level.
2)     Pakistan as a Nuclear State is the biggest threat to decimation of mankind in one part of the globe. Steps to stop this country’s nuclear program from boiling over should be taken at the earliest. Now that we hear rumors of Pakistan exporting nuclear weapon technology to North Korea with China’s consent, we know the Asian taste for bad blood. Kim Jong Un is not the man to be toyed with and he wouldn’t go down like a Gaddafi or a Saddam. Too bad America didn’t chose to invade Pakistan but decided to keep it as its ally. From India’s perspective, the disintegration of Pakistan is vital to its own security interests in the region.
3)     Alien Attacks: Everybody has seen the Will Smith movie Men in Black. We all know that billions of years ago life existed on other planets and they evolved from biological to sentient beings, travelling across and controlling the universe in the course of evolution. Evolution, a term which has vital significance at our stage of the same and mankind’s existence is vital in its correct path to future past. What are Alien Attacks? Deep Neural Nets in tandem communication controlling human existence through the power of concentration or the lack of it. Magic Realism is a type of activity often noticed on the planet related to Alien Attacks. Magic Realism is when a highly detailed realistic setting is invaded by something TOO STRANGE TO BELIEVE.
4)     Naval Security becomes paramount especially when warfare has taken to the high seas. The vulnerability of countries in the South China Sea. South Korea is an important ally against China. And we know fully well that Indian Navy is in primary control of the nuclear weapons that India possesses and its readiness is of paramount importance to India’s battle readiness. Pearl Harbour attacks by the Japanese, the failed Bay of Pigs programme in the Cuban arena is an acute reminder that there is a long way to go before the politics of war is an admitted reality.
My professional objectives is to continue working for American, Indian, Russian, German, French, British intelligence circles in the way I have been with close guidance and monitoring from my Indian and American intelligence agency. 

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