Sunday, May 01, 2022


 Tenets of Gopal Chandu

Arbitrary means of Terrorism by saying the wrong thing.
Arbritrary means of Terrorism by using the butterfly effect.
Hot Betrayals / Cold Betrayals
Real acts of Terrorism

a) Software Programming expertise in COBOL b) 10 Professional Financial Courses c) PHD in elucidation of religious texts in education d) PHD in percentages, ratio and combinations e) PHD in effect of depression on public policy texts.

Singapore, Dubai, England, USA and Canada

Friends in Singapore, I log onto, drawing 1000 visitors and that many allies a day.
When I think about my friends in Dubai I am implementing my exercise routine
When I think about my friends in England and USA I am making youtube short videos 33 in number on malayalam current affairs, marathi current affairs, automobiles, cybersecurity, football.
When I think about Canada I am doing COBOL Programming for the FBI of India. (You all don't know who)
When I do software programming I do it with scrutiny, rigidity and understanding.
When I do Professional Financial Courses, I am engaging with low conflict conversations with the text on facebook.
When I am studying religious texts I tell myself, "Forget everything magnificent about holy scriptures because if it's important it will come back to you.
When I am solving percentages problems I am thinking of earning 30000 crores like Sharad Pawar in Politics, doing ratio problems to study police encounter theory and combinations problems to understand brute force theory of Taliban.
When I am doing my PHD in effect of Depression on Public Policy texts I constantly remind myself of the Theri movie "Policeman versus Politician scene".
Then there is Shivaji's integration and derivatives problem: 20/35/50, 15/15/15, 10/6/4, 25/15, 15/10, 10/20/10, 96 all light weights only on preceding numbers and then 17 yoga and 3 rounds to a football ground (This being an integrate exercises or an integration problem). Derivatives being a study method for revision 20/35/50 pages or problems for revision, 15/15/15 problems or pages, 10/6/4 problems or pages, 25/15 problems or pages, 15/10 problems or pages, 10/20/10 problems or pages, 96 problems or pages, 2 question papers solved, 5 question papers solved, 5 question papers solved, 3 question papers solved day before exam.
Then there is the question of underpaid overworked workers of Artificial Intelligence (Google pays 20000 per month for 1 lakh subscribers) which I have turned on it's head around using my short video technique: I have 59 subscribers.

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