Sunday, August 07, 2016

Too much information can make you blind. Well, here is my blind side

Africa 300 points
Anthologies 250 points
Articles Read 6250 points
Arts 800 points
Asian Diaspora 1050 points
Audio 300 points
Autobiography 550 points
Biography 550 points
Book / Video Review 500 points
Books 1550 points
Interviews 400 points
Campus Life 350 points
Canada 350 points
Carribean and Latin America 1050 points
Census / Demographics 850 points
Chapter 50 points
Communication / Media Studies 300 points
Course Offerings 150 points
Definitions 50 points
Dissertations 400 points
Economics 50 points
Europe 350 points
Excerpts / Quotes 600 points
Family / Parenting 400 points
Forthcoming Media 100 points
Call Center Job 100 points
Money Matters 600 points
History 2550 points
Identity Development / Psychology 1725
Interviews 400 points
Law 750 points
Literary / Artistic Criticism 1150 points
Live Events 600 points
Media Archive 8900 points
Monographs 1100 points
My Articles 50 points
Novels 150 points
Papers / Presentations 250 points
Passing 700 points
Philosophy 150 points
Poetry 50 points
Politics and Public Policy 1400 points
Letters 7 a day
Statements 4 a day
Social Work 150 points
Social Science 2600 points
Religion 350 points
Teaching Resources 100 points
United Kingdom 700 points
USA 6350 points

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