Friday, January 06, 2017

Ardh-Satya (Om Puri died of a Heart Attack at 66 yesterday)

Ardh-Satya (Half-truth)- Before I entered this maze,
Who was I?
I will not remember.

After I entered the war-maze,
there was a life-threatening
proximity between the enemy and me.
I will never come to realize this.

Even if I earn my freedom,
and get out of this maze alive,
it will make absolutely no difference to the maze itself.

While within this maze,
to die or to kill,
to be killed, or to take someone’s life,
can never be fairly judged

When a man awakens from his slumber,
and starts to walk again,
he relinquishes his world of comfortable dreams.

In that light of wakefulness which illuminates his choices,
will there be fair and equal justice?

Balancing impotence, on one side of the scale,
with manhood, on the other,
the needle of this perfect balance points us
to a half-truth.


Well, I think, in my cocoon, I have no enemies, only friends. Even people purportedly led to a dreadful death by my design. As I sit in this cocoon, I am thankful I can see all the deaths in the world. For, then, I can connect the dots and understand what I did or did not do! As for this week, The MH370 plane crash on 7/3/2014, the investigation comes to a close this week. It was a CIA operation against Malaysia and China! As for MH-17, Delta Quadrant knew about it and could have prevented it before it happened

As for Malaysia 370 and MH-17, I can only quote: God is an inutterable sigh from the depths of the heart! Page 66, "Encounters in Humanization" written by Paulose Mar Paulose!

As for USA, I can only add this much. I learnt thoroughly about half-truths from my English Teacher Prasanna Madam. And I can say as much after working from 2001 to 2017 for America, that the star-spangled banner is the biggest half-truth of this world! And the half-truths of America would prove to be it's undoing!

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