Friday, April 21, 2017

P.C. Pardeshi Dr. Prakash Chandrakant Pardeshi

Have you played God. Well, sitting on that swing in the front courtyard of Pardeshi Sir. I felt like God. Pardeshi Sir gave me a backlog in my first year of B.Com inspite of making a picture perfect assignment because I was two minutes late to his class. He was hated and feared by all for his strictness. And then something happened. After completing B.Com, I went to his house in Sopan Baug and sat on the swing in the courtyard in front of his house outside the gate. Then I felt bliss. Cause I had just then kept 4 pots of exquisite garden plants inside his gate and quietly made my exit. My failure to submit the assignment in first year was the best time of my life. And I really enjoyed his classes. And sitting on that swing I gave him one of the most precious gifts he would ever cherish. I went back a few years after he died of kidney failure. When I told his wife, he was one of my favourite teachers, she immediately asked me, "Were you the one who kept the plants inside the house". To which I replied in the negative. Let that forever remain a mystery!

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