Monday, November 20, 2017

Viman Nagar Police Chowkey Vimantal Police Station #Sick

A complaint has been registered against me at Viman Nagar Vimantal Police Chowkey said the beat policeman 9689616616. The beat policeman claims he stuck a police summons to the door of my apartment in Viman Nagar. My tenant in Viman Nagar looked everywhere but he couldn't find any police summons stuck anywhere near the apartment door, wall, gate or mailbox. The Policeman still claims he stuck Police Summons to my apartment. He refuses to divulge details as to the nature of the complaint. He says PSI Atre will call you and speak to you. He refuses to divulge details to my lawyer. He says PSI Atre will call him and speak to him. The accused has a basic right to know the nature of the police complaint against him. I wrote to the Commissioner of Police, Pune thrice about this and Deputy Commissioner of Police Pune twice about this. Well, if the idea of the police in Viman Nagar is to instil deep rotting fear in it's residents, they are sadly mistaken. They have come to the wrong person.

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