Sunday, December 24, 2017

Hehehe You might have never thought of this!

Easy way to being rich: Coach in Italy from 53 to 67, England 67 to 75, Russia 75 to 80, Germany 80 to 85, Netherlands 85 to 90, France 90 to 95, USA 95 to 100  China 100 to 103 in all clubs that Mourinho/Ancellotti and Alex Ferguson have coached, Write books, Exercise and remain unmarried. (A bakery item)(a models job)

Difficult way of becoming rich: Doing TA/CA/CS/Actuary/PHD Eco./90 Certs from Edx/Lynda/Coursera/Questia/C++/Java/Python/LLB, Marrying Anya Seton, working at Hindustan Tyres with 3 thematic products and it's variants till 53, then coaching in Italy from 53 to 67 and England from 67 to 75, and physical exercise and writing books and giving a TED talk at 75. (An exquisite yacht dish)(a home ministry 20 lakh job)

And if I want to do both: Then I should be following this exercise routine: (Kung-Fu)... 100pull-ups 200 push-ups 300 sit-ups in progressive minimum sets... Elevated leg push-ups for superior pectorals... A-Team V cross Set... Arnold... Buds Training... Swimming ... Pumpin... Krav Maga...

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