Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communications Release

* Now talking in #rice
* Topic is ' No Rice No Life™ | Wiki: 02 | Channel guidelines: 02 | Rice database: 02 | Channel stats: 02 | < +cappuccino > why do people use void linux, its such a lonely life '
* Set by Leliana on Thu Jan 09 03:46:04 2020
Japanese Chin!
<+dysfigured> hm afaict it seems to only be teknik? i wonder if Uncled1023 has some anti-hotlinking thinking going on?
<+dysfigured> s/thinking/thing
Dear Abby / Abigail Van Buren!
<+Uncled1023> ?
Liquid Fueled Rocket was invented in 1926. They, the scientists haven't progressed much far!
<+Uncled1023> how big is the file?
<+Uncled1023> oh, no, it seems to be webm
I'm eighteen so it's not published in paperback on Amazon. Amazon needs 24!
<+Uncled1023> "Cannot play media. No decoders for requested formats: video/.webm"
<+Uncled1023> and the one link that isn't being shown as an image is because it's a 404
The Blind Side is in Arkansas not Cleveland!

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