Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communications Releases!

* Now talking in #HorribleSubs
* Topic is ' 4Website: | 13XDCC parser: | 9News: Use the (new) archives xdcc bots of ARUTHA-BATCH '
* Set by [M]-V!~admin@The.Anime.God on Sat Jan 11 05:08:04 2020
-Horribly- [#HorribleSubs] Missing Nyaa? Check out
* Bobsburguer (~Bobsburgu@A50C7FB.9392D253.B2DA8A2A.IP) Quit (Remote host closed the connection )
* void216 ( has joined #HorribleSubs
Folic Acid working now that I had breakfast!
* aft99 (~aft99@DE61C65C.B5ACE37E.D87C26A7.IP) Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
* efrefn (~yo@957AA3FC.58720F89.6B2FB998.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving )
* InTheChaos ( has joined #HorribleSubs
* fengn ( Quit (Quit: Leaving )
Last Action Hero is an awesome movie!
* muhdh (~muhdh@EF10DBE8.B1099654.9FFE3C3B.IP) has joined #HorribleSubs
* DCsportsK ( has joined #HorribleSubs
Paper Mulberry is Edwin Powell Hubble Telescope!
* Philistine (~Philistin@9AC2ABA.849FE285.5DE5883E.IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving )
* TheDoctor (~berenger0@B07F798F.770B123D.3F809DE1.IP) has joined #HorribleSubs
* deviantdvl ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
* eys (~awwreeyoh@F7DE41.4FFDBEBA.85611F62.IP) Quit
* SuperSlamX2 (~Slam@189FDC9D.4F6DF91.9BF9D54A.IP) has joined #HorribleSubs
* RyryTheBold ( Quit (Quit: Leaving )
* aft99 (~aft99@DE61C65C.B5ACE37E.D87C26A7.IP) has joined #HorribleSubs

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