Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communications Release

* nawfbo ( has joined #Batcave-Chat
* Spiderman sets mode: +v nawfbo
* +dxdnxp ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
<@_^aBa^_> fucked up planet this Earth u got here
<@_^aBa^_> whew lordy
<@_^aBa^_> fucked UP
<@_^aBa^_> damn
<@_^aBa^_> and yer lost here
<+Secure> Angela Perez Baraquio
<@_^aBa^_> no escape
* +mortik ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
* mortik (~mortik@7F67F89F.933EA6DD.F064EE5B.IP) has joined #Batcave-Chat
* [Bc]-[Search] sets mode: +v mortik
* Guest12608 ( has joined #Batcave-Chat
* Spiderman sets mode: +v Guest12608
<+Secure> One Chase Manhattan Plaza
<+Secure> Piss Mist
* +nawfbo ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
<+Secure> John Alexander MacDonald
* +ErwanKaijin (~ErwanKaij@E451E51E:A85EC686:952B9769:IP) Quit (Quit: Leaving )
* Kratos66611|2 ( has joined #Batcave-Chat
* [Bc]-[Latest] sets mode: +v Kratos66611|2
<+Secure> The Mayflower Compact!
<+Secure> Cosmos / Carl Sagan

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