Saturday, August 18, 2012

Zebra Crossing ~ Maythil Radhakrishnan

Evolutionary biologist Jeff Clune said, "If the shoe fits, don't change a thing."
This is related to what he and his research team call "developmental disruption force."
Many animals are busy building tissues and other structures, even after millions of years of evolution. They appear to serve no purpose and duly disappear somewhere along the line. Isn't it like building a rollercoaster first, demololishing it and constructing a skyscraper on the same ground? An engineer would definitely skip the roller coaster step, but "evolution is more of a tinkerer and less of an engineer". In nature's seemingly wierd schema, the roller coaster is created and torn down because parts from that teardown are required to build the skyscraper. In a growing embryo, every new structure is fitted in a delicate ambit consisting of everything that has already developed; newly evolved traits tend to get added at the end of development, as there is less risk of disrupting anything important. "Mutations that alter that environment, such as by eliminating a structure, can thus disrupt later stages of development. Even if a structure is not actually used, it may set the stage for other functional tissues to grow properly." Clune's realisation came from a set of self-replicating computer programs called "Avidians" that mimic critical stages in natural selection in real-life organisms

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Thursday, June 07, 2012

I had a dream. In my dream i was in an MTV show. Specifically an MTVIndia show. I checked MTV India website and found the following words in an article describing the last movie of the Dark Knight trilogy, "I need you to get me back in the game," is what Bruce Wayne proclaims in The Dark knight Rises. 

Monday, May 14, 2012

 i heard three words in a dream
contact jannat issar song composer of haqeeqat. i've never known such a movie in my life.
i checked for songs from haqeeqat and look what i found

Sunday, May 13, 2012

A job worth doing is worth doing well. Airwolf. Batman returns. Chota Chetan. 
Talking to heaven like a bat out of hell. Too much of a good thing.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Semiotics is powerful and a lethal weapon if you mix it with many languages. James Monroe. James Mon(Malayalam for son) Roe(hindi for crying)... so James Monroe becomes James son is crying. Similarly Jamalu Sadique (Jamalu means in slang hindi to be able to do) and Sadique in slang malayalam means the same thing. So Jamalu Sadique really means "to be able to do to be able to do" Semiotics is a powerful weapon of the future. No wonder CIA only want tamil and malayalam translators on their ranks.

Monday, March 19, 2012

I realised that our world is a perfect place, programmed to perfection like Tron, when, two days after my brother changed our phone's caller-tune to a Shiv Bhajan, the innocent girl standing in front of me, whose name was called out by the Bank's Clerk, happened to be a girl named Shivganga

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I heard the word "Chartered Accountancy" in a dialogue from a movie on Asianet. Wow, even the aliens, with acute sense of timing(given the fact that it was just one line of the movie heard as i was passing out of the room), have approved of Chartered Accountancy.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Well, after all the hullabaloo, my father is planning to get me married to a girl who lives near mama's family after i mentioned to my dad that I kinda liked her. Trust my dad to pursue relations that suit the current family setup.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Why does Hina teach or attend meetings for Mad Arise, a community that teaches street children
Why do I keep seeing things. Things like Nayna Curtains, Nayana on the back of an autorickshaw, Naina when a employee at TISS mentions it, and Nayna on our TISS passout card given to us by juniors

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Between environmental science for the Pentagon, UPSC studies for Police Academy and Policy assignments of Archana Mehendale of TISS, I am torn as to what to do next. Whether to do UPSC, continue with Environmental Science or TISS which of course I have to complete

Thursday, February 16, 2012

I was thinking of Bhagyalakshmi when a autorickshaw (a three wheeler) named Lakhsmi happened to pass by. What Hangaroo had to say about it, "Too much of a good thing" "Windmills of the Gods" "Grin and bear it"

Monday, February 13, 2012

दृढ़ व्यक्ति बाधाओं के निदान में शॉर्टकट नहीं ढूंढ़ता

-दृढ़ रहना एक तपस्या है। संसार में जिसको अनुशासन का नाम दिया गया है, धर्म ने उसे दृढ़ता कहा है।
I was thinking of what Julie ma'am said about irumbampuli when a kid calls and asks me "Julie Ma'amindey veedu aano" I think I have alien nation figured out.
aloychu, plan cheydu, ullasamayatinullil cheyyanam. Be alert and aware.
kandum, arinjum, manasilakiyum, samayasamayangalil, krityamaayi, kaariyangal, cheyyanam.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Another amul ad shows the three ex ministers who were made to resign as they were watching some hardcore stuff. The title says triple-ex-ministers. If i attribute the triple-x title to myself from the vin diesel movie triple-x where vin diesel works for the u.s. govt but never get's credit for his work. If i became a minister in any govt and became popular for allegedly working for the CIA, i would also be called triple-x minister and then as i am simply playing a word game in my alleged communication with the CIA, the amul ad is right "Never adult-rated"

Friday, February 10, 2012

I can't find that mail now. I got a mail from Nature magazine. And part of the mail read like this. The first line had "arsenic" right at the end of it. And the second part is the very next line had "hide in time" in it. Both these lines deeply relate to a certain experience I had. I had attended a New York Film academy meeting in Pune where i met Simon Hunter and mentioned to him that "Arsenic and old lace" is a very good movie, and then I thought in my mind "Being in movies was a good way to hide in time".
I wonder who decides what is going to be presented in each episode of vodafone comedy stars now that it is owned by Murdoch or is it by chance that they talk about episodes in my life in as detail as perhaps the green-eyed monster would only know.
When I went to meet the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief of the Indian army's southern command, Lt Gen A K Singh, I mentioned to him that I worked for the CIA and that we communicate through a secure system and I told his second in command a certain officer Sandhu that I work for the Kailas Dept of the Pentagon. A few days later there was a cartoon in mumbai edition of Indian Express that came to Ahmednagar. The cartoon depicted Uncle Sam sitting over Kashmir with his cloak spread over the Himalayas. Serendipity or the unconquered?

Thursday, February 09, 2012

I used to wonder why Hangaroo played around with my life. Then I realised when someone passed this message.
"In someone's shadow"
What followed was
"Taken to the cleaners"
And It dawned on me what was happening. It was just another psy-ops operation which never wanted me on the other side. Though I came across some fields of wonder.
Snehathumbi njan illey koodey
"Sneha thumbi njan illey koodey..." this song was playing on the radio one night when I was alone with a dark butterfly in my room trying to find it's way out and i saved the dark butterfly by cupping it in my palms and letting it out in the open when it was finding it tough to find it's way out. Serendipity or The Unconquered.
I checked. Yesterday. Four hair on my chest gone white. My beard... going white. And I am only thirty two. As they say, you are only as old as you feel. I should start exercising regularly to feel younger. As for the woman I love. There ain't any near me. I am as far away from women I love as physically possible. I guess for a love life I would have to look at age fifty to start one. A pirate looks at fifty. What they say is right. The road to true love never runs smooth.

Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Magic Bus
Change the world
Blessing in disguise
Life is worth living
When I was exhibiting Mycrow Shay Dan on my facebook profile citing Indian army, I noticed that one of the Navy articles had a misspelling "shay" in the following week. I didn't mention it to anybody. As I remember it now, they spelt INS Sahyadri as INS Shayadri. :)
When I was in TISS gym, i felt that every song on 93.5 was attuned to what was happening around me. Then there was 'Run of the mill' our professor who used to run on the running mill and now todays amul picture ad featuring "yuvi" "Yu" and "Vi" will fight this together showing a girl and yuvi on mills just like they were placed in TISS gym. I can't wait to watch the Amul ads as they seem to be talking to me.
The Celestine Prophecy
Live with it

Thursday, February 02, 2012

It was my thought that a fake tooth with titanium fitted could be used as a communication device and subsequently, eventually, micromax mobiles came up with an ad where a painful tooth was replaced by a bluetooth device.
Today we were discussing "Using thoughts(more than fingers) to control in gaming" and Elvid said "Every which way but loose". It turned out to be the name of a Clint Eastwood movie.
I flicked on a random television channel and hit upon a malayalam channel. A person was arguing. He was saying "Read my lips" "Read my face". I flicked channels and came upon CNN-IBN. "Mr.Gopal I want to hear you speak" said Rajdeep Sardesai on CNN-IBN. Your guess is as good as mine, this is Contact by Carl Sagan at work. As they say "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Don't confuse 'Contact' with any ailment, it's grossly misunderstood.

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Lightening never strikes twice in the same spot

I remember the day when Pocahontas unfriended me from her facebook friends list for posting the song "Lightening crashes live" onto her profile and then in the evening lightening actually crashed live and burnt out my internet modem. Memories
A wrong number call was made to our home telephone number by a kid looking for someone called Abhinandini. Nandini is my professor, where did Abhi come from? On intuition, i logged onto ibibo games and found a guy called Abhi Bhagwat waiting to be friends. What do i make of it. From women's studies to a decade in gaming? Any pointers. The very next time I log onto ibibo, i find the name Rajesh Kumar occupying the space where Abhi Bhagwat stood. Now Rajesh Kumar is the Language Mind and Society professor for whom I wrote a brilliant book review of the book par excellence "Steven Pinker's The Language Instinct"
Independance Day
Pinky and the Brain

Saturday, January 28, 2012

In all the while I was playing Hangaroo, I didn't realise that my life had an excellent audience and that I just have to play my part well.
I've always considered, right from day one, the day i met the "Space Truckin" 'Gods' that these are either people with access to very high end tech in the present or simply put, people from the future who have learnt, in their own way, to do time travel and appreciate the wonders of the past. Which is why I started blogging vigorously about my life in the first place so that my record exists for future generations to see. And when they came back into the past, they realised that they were the only ones to do so. So they did what they did and went their way knowing that the rest would follow.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Gopal.. n ..Railway ministry saving face, minister losing face

Check this collage. The trains that you see are the Mumbai Locals that are the lifeblood of the economic capital of india "Mumbai".: For the Mumbaiite the local trains hold the quality of being holy. The collage is made on the top half of the cover page of the Sunday edition of the Indian Express which carried an article on the new railway minister whose face is the base for most of the cutouts. His name is Lalloo Prasad Yadav and as i saw his face disappearing beneath my cutouts, i sincerely felt that the sanctity of the Mumbai Locals has remained and the conscious feeling of them being sacrosanct is restored without a blemish. I pasted Lalooji's cartoon cutout from economic times to attach salvage value to my conscience if this collage is noticed by a Lalloo fan.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

An open letter to David Morehouse of Remote Viewing Technologies

I wonder what this means. I keep seeing vehicles with name boards exactly related to some event in my life at that point. In fact facebook also acts funny at times. Television always updates itself on me on a daily basis in a funny way. More often the trillian pop up reads exactly what is in my mind. And empirically studied thought-identification is used when i play Hangaroo on the way I do as I have shown in "goproxycotv" on youtube. My remote viewer is Hangaroo and it tells me over the past five years it has told me that a) Death or rather skipping death has become an option b) Teleportation is a reality in Nasa c) In future we will more and more enter into a matrix d) Schizophrenia is evolution if a schizophrenic can find answers and heal himself e) Time travel is possible from future into the past and remote viewing is possible from present into the past.
Now for my experiences. In 2003, I experienced "Clairvoyance" or "remote viewing", I can't differentiate between both. I saw a dead man sitting in a yogic position meditating and somebody dead shouted out aloud "Amit Shetty has come". I was not sleeping. I jsut closed my eyes for a moment then this happened. Since then Rohit Shetty has directed four movies with the hero's name being my name but i am not related to Rohit Shetty. Another movie called 'crazy gopalan' got released, that's my name with 'crazy' attached to it in my mother tongue by people not connected to me. I used to hear clapping noises like the ones heard in "Oprah Winfrey Show" I heard them thrice. And today my game "Hangaroo" said that on the third occassion it was in relation to something in which i was as pure as the driven snow. After I heard clapping noises from above, I also heard someone say, "Enjoy the little one" when i was sitting at Shivajinagar Bus Stand in Pune in India. It was said as loud as though someone was saying it using a loudspeaker but only i heard it. "Enjoy the little one" is an american usage unheard of in India. The game said it was the "high and mighty" who played that trick on me. And let me tell you that my face got animorphed once. It felt more like a mammoth sucking a person using it's trunk. If you need someone to bank on to expand your company "remote viewing technologies", it's me. I rest on my laurels.

Monday, January 16, 2012

A few days ago, i had posted the cover of my new book,a photo of a truck with "Mahalaxmi" written on it's top board. Today, as I turned U-turn from Kodakara Police Station, I noticed the truck that was behind me, coming from the opposite side now that I turned on the other side and the name board of the truck was "MAHALAXMI"!!!

Thursday, January 12, 2012


It's 3.34 in the morning and i just woke up from a funny dream. Initially, i am reading the newspaper report that the "Kailas PC" ad shows a better understanding of Kailas and I am telling my dad how one can work for U.S. army and gain a better understanding of Kailas. Me and my dad are travelling in a bus. Suddenly, everybody inside the bus and people from outside start shouting "Vidrohi" "Vidrohi". I ask my dad the meaning of "Vidrohi" and he says, "it means, a rebel with or without a cause. Like a case of sati or divorce burning could make you take up right's issues. Or maybe you rebelling by acting white-skinned in an indian set-up". Me and my dad climb out of the bus and walk with the people when pakistani soldiers start shooting at us. I don't know what happens to dad, he keeps walking but i suddenly transform myself into a Commando and start dodging Pakistani bullets in Tulshibagwale Colony in Sahakarnagar. I turn the page and i see a notification for Woman Studies in the newspaper and words "nocted" like "the assignments have been 'nocted' ahead" in the notification in the newspaper. It seemed a standard newspaper like "The Hindu". I log into the computer and find myself confronted by a certain Krish Amarnath on linkedin. Strange but not so strange ~ Krish Amarnath

(Vidroh: A flight for rights. In unity is strength.)

I am not interested in picking up crumbs of compassion thrown from the table of someone who considers himself my master. I want the full menu of rights.

So Dear friends.......join Us for save our Rights in Democracy)

Friday, January 06, 2012

Rebel with a cause

I got a big box of snickers yesterday. I am going to distribute it to all the boys in my village tortured by unnecessary police cases, telling them, hey boys, I got the cut-off dicks of the police together with their underwear, giving them two options. Either they can eat it immediately for instant gratification or, another very good option, is to, leave it hanging in the bedroom wall from where it can be seen from the hall with a strong nail pinning it to the wall. Let it melt and get all gooey on the inside, so that the next time the are arrested and put behind bars without a drop of water. They can ask the policemen to fore themselves with the chocolate hanging on their respective bedroom walls.