Monday, September 19, 2016

Janatha Garage Grocery Store

Three things happened today starting at Janatha Garage Grocery Store and moving on to Deepthi High School Ground, Thalore, Thrissur:

a) A guy came up to me, more than 6 feet tall and 40 inches chest, dressed as a countryfellow, and asked me the address to "Muyal Padam" which when roughly translated into english means 'Rabbit's field'

b) I looked up the address on Google Maps and found a place called, "Vadakuttampatti" in Tamil Nadu and "Muyal Padam Mein Goriya" in Uttarakhand.

c) I ate a Vada and Bru Coffee at Krishna Bhavan at Thalore, Thrissur and Katta alias Rajeevan hinted at "Vadakuttam" at Thalore School Ground.

Well, the Great Dane arrived in style.

I must be wearing a decent pair of Jeans to say so.

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