Sunday, September 04, 2016

How to get India to win Football World Cup by 2052

Football Game Importance inside the country: Very Important
(Out of 200) Youth Rating:                                                  200
(Out of 20) All Youth facilities rating:                                  20
(Out of 20) Youth Junior rating:                                          20
(Out of 20) Youth Cream rating:                                          20
Generated players per youth facility per year                      200
12 Anands (excellent coaches) per Youth facility
Jose Berretto
Youth Recruitment
Ankush Malhotra
Armando Colaco
Akash Ambani
Kabir Mandrekar
Sunil Chhetri
Neville Musa
Babuseth Tyrewala
Under 15 to Under 18 and Match Fitness Under 21
Blue under 15
Green under 18
Red under 21
Win every under 19 tournament in the World
Send indian players to play for foreign clubs
48 acres per Youth Facility: 40 acres of football facility 8 acres of school and college facility

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