Tuesday, October 08, 2019

Risk ID: Gaming

Risk ID: Gaming
Risk Description: There are finite games and infinite games. Finite games end after a point of time due to the person getting bored, infinite games attune themselves according to the mind of the person playing the game
Risk Trigger: The future of gaming
Risk Type: Gaming can be made inconsequential like games like Blue Whale
Responsible Person: The game maker and the game player and the hosting website
Owner of Risk: The game player
Probability: There is a high probability of visiting de-addiction centers for gamers
Impact: It's important to understand that anything that is done continually for more than six months is something more than just gaming
Assessments: Gaming assessments begin the moment you touch your keyboard to play your first game
Response: Predictable behaviour mitigated by gaming
Dependencies with other risks: Owner control. Who is the owner, that is the real question?
Status of Risk: Too many games promoting negativity. Few games promoting acute ability. And then The Gun Game which is benefitting ISIS

Risk Responses:
Avoid: Avoid playing games without supervision if you are 13 years or younger
Mitigate: Explore the idea of killing by playing ironsnout a very popular game played by 3 year olds and decide whether it is halal or haram
Transfer: It is very difficult to transfer the idea of a good game. Unless the 6 month theory is not leading to a fallacy.
Accept: Accept that games take a lot of time in accustoming to it and technologies change every 2 years
Exploit: Exploit the potential of a good game
Share: Do not share the secrets you learn by gaming
Enhance: Enhance your gaming skills solo
Review: Reviews on gaming do not reveal a true picture of gaming

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