Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communication Releases

3* Now talking in #beginner
03* Topic is ' 3,0 H A P P Y  4,0 N E W    13,0 Y E A R! '
03* Set by DiverGuy! on Mon Dec 30 22:33:38 2019
01 Caramel Rice Pudding is a good way to begin the day
01 Prince Charles married twice! 
01 Argentine dogo is Maradona and Messi not Kaamel Amin Thaabeth
03* Now talking in #beginner
03* Topic is ' 3,0 H A P P Y  4,0 N E W    13,0 Y E A R! '
03* Set by DiverGuy! on Mon Dec 30 22:33:39 2019
01 Knock on wood
01 Renaissance Tower is phenomenal
01 Lansingh never went to Michigan
<@LilCrazy> give it a rest buddy
<@LilCrazy> random english words doesnt mean youre speaking english
01 London is in United Kingdom
<@LilCrazy> sentences are supposed to mean something
<@LilCrazy> well duh
<@LilCrazy> and youre announcing this why?
01 Because I am Phoenix, Arizona
<@LilCrazy> it hasnt moved recently, so i think we can assume it is the capital of england still
<@LilCrazy> well isnt that lovely for you
<@LilCrazy> and of course for everyone in the uk
01 ever heard of smack of jellyfish
<@LilCrazy> oh wait, i thought you said you were IN phoenix arizona
<@LilCrazy> but you said you are phoenix arizona
<@LilCrazy> hello to you phoenix
01 I hope you are not fraid of needles
<@LilCrazy> not many here use their real names
<@LilCrazy> im not sure what fraid is
01 afraid
<@LilCrazy> and as for any fears i may have, im sure theyd have little or no impact on your life
<@LilCrazy> so no need to concern yourself with them
01 Brooklyn Dodgers just met Jet Dodgers of the 21st Century
<@LilCrazy> again
<@LilCrazy> random words
01 Pegasus is an email client
<@LilCrazy> how lovely for you that you know all these things
<@LilCrazy> you must be fun at parties
01 Mount Rushmore is where Richie Rich hid all his wealth
<@LilCrazy> doubtful
03* LilCrazy sets mode: +m
01 Certainly not the white house. Laugh comics
#beginner Cannot send to channel

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