Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communications Releases

* Now talking in ##8chan
* Topic is ' 8,8 double end my life | 6,6 YOooooOP' | 12,11 Only in Weimerica would you have Shakira in an American Superbowl | 5,8 end my life | 2,6 90% of people here have pissed in a bottle . facts . reality. | 12,5 jesus> and it's used | 3,4 PENIS | 12,12 reminder that if you buy zen 2 in 2020 you're enabling AMD's faggy practices of selling consumers shit tier CPUs | Hmm! '
* Set by Robot!~Robot@beep.beep on Mon Feb 03 08:13:27 2020
* Yasze ( has joined ##8chan
fuck this fucking life

you know in real life i don't think special forces teams respond to an emerging situation by getting off their VTOL transport with two guys holding rocket launchers first and foremost
but that's life in XCOM
you want a couple dudes with rocket launchers to jump out the door ready to blow up any alien they see with low chance of failure
actually i think russian spec ops probably do open with rocket launchers
.cc silicosis
* birboop ( Quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds )
[W|A] silicosis (English word) = noun | a lung disease caused by inhaling particles of silica or quartz or slate
Larry Doby not Lari Dob
Lyin eyes / The Eagles!

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