Sunday, February 02, 2020

Secure Communications Releases

* Now talking in #chat
* Topic is 'Welcum 2 #Wechat: Due to American Pig dogs creating bioweapon to attack our innocent young chinamen n chinaman women WHO declared Emergency for Global world, kiss your loved ones and yourself safe: - from Irish666 '
* Set by irish666!~irish666@The.Breakfast.Club on Mon Feb 03 03:11:48 2020
-Chat- [#chat] Welcome to #Chat - now serving 04,06 color 08,09 induced 11,04 headaches for a limited time only!
<+d_l_p> I'm using a temp VPS, so if it gets hacked, I don't care since I'll just delete it (aka destroy it with my VPS provider).
<+d_l_p> We're pwning it for the fun.
<+d_l_p> I'm the one who runs and looks after the VPS, so it's all 100% legal since I allowed him.
* LimitServ sets mode: +l 268
Dade Murphy: 100
Langley Research Center is run by Lawrence Harvey therefore no chance that chinese virus came from USA
If you don't know what I mean then watch opening scene of music from movie Schoolhouse Rock!
Lawrence is good at PianOO, he shall be rocking in my show!! Farrafara!
* ksomething ( Quit (Quit: Leaving )
I got hit by satellite evil rays causing ear balance since the last two days. I hear morse code typing in my ears. Shit no!
* brandon (WHY@DO.YOU.CARE) has joined #chat
ear imbalance
Frank Saltee never loved Chocolate Fudge Cake

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