Tuesday, March 08, 2016

Trident 3

A) Thought Process or Bundled up Thoughts or Processed Thought

1) Football coaching dreams went down the drain as UK doesn't give sports visas to coaches from India due to lowly Indian FIFA Rankings.

2) CIA said become an actor, film-maker, singer, songwriter

3) Major Glitch on Jodi365, however customer service is nice and supportive.

4) Got a whole list of new movies to watch and analyse.

5) I would be the lead in an ad for the company "intel" anyday

B) Perceived Reality:

1) I am a good for nothing elephant according to people around me

2) Bijuchetan to love me more if I am in the film-making business

C) CLARITY of thought or Actions completed

1) Given a chance, I would direct an action movie

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