Saturday, March 05, 2016

Trident 2: 6th March 2016 Sunday

Thought Process or Processed Thought or Bundled Up Thoughts
a) Run 50 laps on a sixty meter track
b) Periodization and Complex Training

Perceived Reality:
a) I am not really fit

Clarity of thought translated into action
a) I finally decided what I would do for 52 years of my life till my retirement. Coach football

Recycle Bin:

a) I had an unnecessary tussle with my dad today.

Details of Periodization:
Week 1: 4*5: 70-75-75-80
Week 2: 4*5: 75-80-80-85
Week 3: 4*5: 80-85-85-90
Week 4: 4*3: 80-85-85-90
Week 5: 4*3: 90-95-95-100
Week 6: 4*3: 90-95-95-100
Week 7: 4-3-2-2: 95-100-100-105

Speed/Agility/Conditioning Training Session
a) Warm-up/Static/Dynamic Stretching
800m Jog
Neck / Arm Circles
Trunk Twists
Heel / Toe Raises
Long Arm Swings
Front/Side Lunges
Straight-Leg High Kicks
Adductor / Abductor Leg Raises
Prone Scorpions
Mountain Climbers
Butterfly Stretch
Marching Knee Hugs
High Knees
Skips for distance
Broad Jumps
Paw throughs

Speed / Agility (1 or 2 exercises per session)

Review arm movement and dorsiflexion
Practice starts / No Drop Steps
Practice 10-yard acceleration
Ladder Drills
Zigzag / Change of Direction
Pro agility

Conditioning (sprints on track)
 5*50 5*40 5*30 5*20 Yards
400 metres cool down

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