Monday, January 23, 2006

Enjoy the little one

I was waiting. Waiting for the second cup of tea to arrive. Sitting in this tea shop with walls covered with framed pictures of Hindu Gods. Around 54 of them. I counted while i sipped at the saucer. Pouring more hot tea into the saucer. No biscuits. No cookies. This place only served tea. A lady manned the counter. She was dressed in a white sari. White saris with golden border that's worn when you go to temples in Kerala. The waiter was very slow and a bit dumb maybe retarded. It was proving to be another deja vu. Why. Why. I walked to the counter and paid. The lady at the counter said "Om Namah Shivaya" just as i was leaving the entrance. A blue car full of old men in white with huge moustaches were driving by. All the people inside were laughing. I asked myself whether i really did see that. Cause the next moment the car disappeared into thin air. Somebody cried out aloud "Enjoy the little one". I looked all around and there was not a man in sight. Om Namah Shivaya means 'i bow to Lord Shiva.' The next time I was home, i drew with a pencil on the wall of my bedroom Lord Siva sitting on Nandi with a bow in his hand as shown on the cover of the book "The Meaning of India" written by Raja Rao. The book did not make sense with the picture of Lord Shiva on it's cover. It was clouding my mind. I removed the cover and kept it with me. I left the book at the doorstep of a neighbour whose last name was Buddhisagar meaning 'Ocean of knowledge.' Let that clutter by Raja Rao drown in the ocean of knowledge.

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