Thursday, January 05, 2006

Re: yup im enjoying myself. -19th August 2002

To tell you the truth. this is how it goes. i come up with ten ideas daily. i put them on paper. i work on all the thoughts that pop in mind. i try and whitewash all the dark corners in my workshop of life. I try to follow a routine i never am able to do so. So that's a routine which has a lot of continuity to it. Of never being able to follow a routine. And the continuity ensures that i exist. it is my form of existence. i.e. routine>>>>>continuity>>>>>existence. i love to exist knowing the fact that im no different than the bike that im riding or from the tree that is breathing or the blood that is continually flowing through my veins. i try and pass through the glass ceiling without breaking and that just about requires understanding Men in Black Part 1. i mix a bit of philosophy and physics. physics is a picture of a human being who has been walking a few billion miles to a distance so far away from earth that if you place a plank between that human being and earth and a triangular support beneath it maybe just outside the solar system, then a mere touch on the plank would move earth out of orbit.

In philosophy this is how it goes. you drop a watermelon onto the ground and it falls down. One day what if it didn't fall down and remained floting in the air. Most of us would suffer a shiver of fright or maybe a stroke for those who haven't undergone angioplasty. this is purely because of cause and effect.

We are taught to be mature in life. Relating a particular cause to a particular effect is a sign of maturity in this practical world and an integral part of our upbringing. Kill me and if i don't die that would be purely because i don't relate cause to effect as is studied by scientists and held to be true by them by which they mean the time tested theory says that a particular cause needs to have a particular effect. Babies would not relate that cause to that effect and would not be surprised if the watermelon started dancing and singging. nor would it make a difference to people who sleep like a baby as your father was when i saw him in the hospital quite some time back. People go to temples to go back into the form of that new born baby and stop relating cause to effect. ppl have cocaine and other form of drugs to do the same when all that was needed was a bit of physics and philosophy. Your dad has started his journey sooner than others in a manner which is quite unique in an attempt to tell you that he will reach the other end of the plank the moment he leaves his physical form. Reason being unlike others who leave their physical form and then start walking and it takes some time for them to reach the other end of the plank so that with one touch on the other end he could move earth out of orbit. He had begun the journey long back so that you realise that he is now ready to move earth out of orbit but then R YOU READY TO BE THE LEVER
hi there,

its been a long while sinve eithet of got in touch.

guess what i am writting to you from dad not keeping well and and landing in to coma nd 5 surgical interventions not makinmg him conscious made us all take a decion of bringingg him here in this hospital...appollo.

well its been 4 weeks already heer.the docs ar taking care of his othre parameters thta got kind of goofed up while in puna in the hosp and and that took a larger than life dimension altogether.his for the brain interventions are yet to happen..

in t he mean tie he is mighty critical..he is on artificial respirator ...and his in coma still...some times the docs are of the opinion that the inevitable is just round the corner.

anyhow you tell me whats happening at your end.hows work>i ma sure you are enjoying yourself ...

anyhow ill write off here itself.

do mail back.

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