Friday, January 20, 2006

A fulfilling day and a funfilled tomorrow

A responsibility is a responsibility is a responsibility
If you are given some work
If you are remotely involved
If you feel you can do it better
If you know you can have the problem solved
It's your responsibility and a ...
Responsibility is a responsibility is a responsibility.

If your creation is the best
Holds seige of the breath
In the chests of the rest
If you know you can contribute more
You can surely do so
Now don't say noo.
When you see your work today
And when you see your work in the morrow.
You will see a marked increase
of water
In the bay of happiness
And less in the sea of sorrow
What you do is what you are
What you are is what you do
It does make a difference where you go
It does make a difference what you sow.
This lyric is for the seekers
Of a fortune that features
The teachers in the light
And children shining bright
To the people looking forward
To the parents looking up
Let's cheer for a fulfilling day
Let's hear for a funfilled tomorrow
~Gopal Sea

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