Thursday, August 01, 2019

Documenting my validation on Hangaroo Download

Great Wall of China... Zagreb, Croatia... Florida Panthers... The Lost World / Michael Crichton... Ruth Malcolmson (1924)...  Hack Wilson... Lisa Kudrow... The Martyred / Richard Kim... Rialto Bridge... Laurel Schaefer (1972)... Desperado / The Eagles...Harry Hooper... Allergic Rhinitis... Man on the corner / Genesis... Helium... David Berkowitz... Anaheim Angels... Princess Anne... Amazon Rainforest... Thomas Riley Marshall... Chicago Bulls... Shadow Raiders... Digimon: Digital Monsters... The Partner / John Grisham... Mackenzie Bowell... Anatolian... When driving Mickey Mouse sings cartunes... One week / Barenaked Ladies... Conjunctivitis... Dazed and confused / Led Zeppelin... Oldsmobile Aurora... Out of ones element... Hummer... Des Moines, Iowa... Benjamin Cayetano, Hawaii... Ordovician Period... Planet of the apes... Gemstone Therapy... Michelle Pfeiffer (1989)... Gary Cooper (1943)... Bill Klem... Growing Pains... You can bet your bottom dollar... Walter Frederick Mondale... Evelyn Ay (1954)... I believe I can fly / R. Kelly... T & C Tower... ~The Lost World / Michael Crichton.

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