Thursday, August 01, 2019

My validation on twitter

If you could leave it all behind, where would you go?
The Handmaid's Tale best fucking show ever !
If you sit on an empty 5 gallon bucket that has a lid on it and fart real hard the reverb is outstanding. In case anyone needs to know that.
I'm hoping that my love will keep you up tonight...
In need of a marriage counselor.
My husband screws EVERY lid on WAY too tight.
AND he claims I never screw them on tight enough.
We both think we're right, but we all know who's right.
Me. It's me.
I lost 5 pounds this week so should I celebrate with a dozen donuts or a Wendy’s #1 Meal Large?
Keep an open mind  ~A Peaceful Life
Me: I’m the most patriotic American you’ll ever meet.
Canadian friend: We have legal marijuana, universal health care, cheap prescription drugs and up to a year and a half of paid maternity leave.
Me: *applies for Canadian citizenship*

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